Super Smash Flash 2 is not a game made by one person in a month, like SSF1. Now, with the knowledge we’ve picked up along the way, we’re striving for the utmost quality this time around. It showed very few similarities to the actual Smash Bros gameplay as it was our first game, yet still somehow attracted large crowds of people. – Super Smash Flash is back! You do remember us, right? The original Smash Bros fangame, most popular for content and difficulty, rather than gameplay, Super Smash Flash was…well, Super Smash in a Flash. Add "AllowListUrlPattern= to mms.cfg (Difficult, may not work forever).Use a flash-enabled browser (Medium difficulty, less secure).Install an older version of the Flash Player and select "Never Check for Updates" (Easy, less secure).Temporarily set your system clock to the year 2020 (Easy but may cause other system problems and will not work after most future browser updates).See below for some possible solutions (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK): There a few temporary workarounds for continuing to play Flash games in-browser, however these are not guaranteed to work forever. Currently only ActionScript 2.0 games are supported and functionality isn't perfect yet, but since writing this Super Smash Flash 1 is already mostly functional! If you'd like to support the development of Ruffle we urge you to check out its Open Collective page. However, thanks to a project called Ruffle significant strides are being made to emulate Flash. SSF2 development is still continuing regardless, however if you typically play SSF2 in the browser you will unfortunately have to switch to the downloadable version of SSF2 until a solution comes around. Losing rings isn’t the end of the world but going face-first into spikes with no rings means the end of your run.Due to the Flash Player reaching end-of-life, it is no longer possible to play this game directly on this page the traditional way in most browsers. Sonic might sound like he’s the fastest but remember: Knuckles is his own Echidna and doesn’t need Sonic’s power. The character you play does not matter.Take an extra split second to prepare your next move as you are speeding through levels. We know this sounds counterproductive to the premise of Sonic the Hedgehog, but the last thing you want to do is only go fast and run directly into spikes. The gameplay of Ultimate Flash Sonic is as simple as the premise of Sonic: Get to the end but follow these tips when doing so. Of course, in true Sonic fashion, you don’t have to only play as Sonic the Hedgehog, you have your choice of: We suggest doing the main game first and getting re-acclimated with the game before trying to fight the clock. Now that you are ready to start the game, you can either click the main game or do a time trial.

Feel free to explore each before you start the game. In the main menu, you have the start game, option, password, and cheats menu. Ultimate Flash Sonic also features a password save so you do not have to start from the beginning every time. If you want to release the spindash, then just release the down key.

The Left and Right arrows move your character left or right.The controls for Ultimate Flash Sonic may be a little different on the mouse and keyboard, but the mechanics are still the same: Fortunately, we can redeem ourselves by playing the same old Sonic we know in love, but through our browser! Ultimate Flash Sonic Gameplay It is time to go back to the days of our childhood when our reaction time was a lot better.